Responsible Digital Futures in Times of Global Chaos

RDF monthly meeting 12/03/2025 - 11am (online)

This month's RDF meeting will be used to host a discussion of the current global and political landscape and how this affects what a research group like the RDF group can do or how individuals working in related areas can work.

The discussion session is triggered by current political developments, most notably the assault of the Trump administration on US and global institutions that are meant to safeguard individuals and reign in the power of big tech and other companies. Trump and his actions of institutional vandalism are the most prominent aspect of this development, but they are by no means confined to the USA and the Trump administration. We can observe growing power of political parties that are opposed to checks and balances and institutional oversight in various European countries. The UK has recently declined to sign up to the AI safety declaration. Overall, the climate for activities that fall in the space of responsible (research and) innovation seems to become harsher, as there is a growing demand to let market mechanisms deal with potential downsides and issues related to scientific research and technology development.

The session will be dedicated to exploring root causes of these developments, ways of interpreting them, and options that individuals, groups, and institutions have to react appropriately to them. 

Panellists will include:

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Passcode: biztAu